Dreams do come true

Let’s Start
a project together
Less is more
LESS IS MORE - Lavatório
Less is more - Perspectivas


If we combine a modern vibe with a Scandinavian style the result will be Patrick’s dream bathroom.
The dimensions of this space and the entrance of natural light led the Bathroom Advisor team to choose light, youthful tones. Patrick had selected the cement effect as one of his favourites, so we opted to use the modern, vibrant side of our Gravity collection to covered the walls.

To match with the more contemporary side the specialists decided to incorporate the Gravity Quantum Beige piece as well. This piece is made with small slats cut from wood, which easily becomes a very appealing decorative accent.

The flooring follows this continuity of pure and soft tones, with a ceramic with wood effect. Native Dark Beige combines all these attributes and creates a very cozy atmosphere.

All the chosen furniture and sanitary ware are very modern and the whole design has an aura punctuated by colour and lightness of the extra elements that help compose the space.

Floor Plan

LESS IS MORE - Gravity e Native - Bathroom Advisor - Love Tiles - Carreaux de sol et de mur en céramique


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A Enviar...

How to make a floor plan:

Bathroom Advisor Scheme


