Dreams do come true

Let’s Start
a project together
Bathroom Advisor - COLOURFUL DELIGHT  - Genesis Leaf _ Light
Bathroom Advisor-Colour Delight - details
Bathroom Advisor-Colour Delight - Bird View
Bathroom  Advisor - Colourful Delight -leaf
Bathroom  Advisor - Colourful Delight -plant

Colourful Delight

Agnes craved for a cool and colourful bathroom and a style that is simultaneously modern and minimalistic.
Her wishes were very straight forward: a bathroom filled with some colour and what better match than Genesis Deep Blue? The main doubt was how to combine this kind of tile with a balanced floor, without using a wooden look.

She also wanted to give the space a special style so she looked for some Love Tiles decors and suggested combining it with Genesis White Leaf. The bathroom was not very big and had no natural light entrance. So, our team needed to think outside the box to match this material without making the combination overbearing. The choice was to use the Leaf structure in a small part of the wall to obtain a carved and detailed effect. Also, Leaf structure was carefully inserted in this location so that the bathroom furniture could be perfectly positioned.

Also, our choices as far as furniture and finishing’s goes were super easygoing and bright, so that the bathroom could gain a softer edge. The contrast between blue and white balances the room as the white floors complete this colourful and delight project.


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A Enviar...

How to make a floor plan:

Bathroom Advisor Scheme


